
Found Poem [The Finger]

Proving again why he’ll never be
compared with William Jennings
Bryan, Chicago Mayor Richard
Daley offered this analysis
Wednesday of the proposed state
budget agreement that would leave
a gaping hole in his city’s finances:

“Keep your fingers crossed.”

The mayor was asked how the
city would make up for the loss of
at least $50 million next year, if
he supported the deal, if he will be
forced again to raise property
taxes and if he will be able to find
the money to provide raises for
police and other employees and
cover additional expenses.

This is what he had to say:

“Keep your fingers crossed,
thank you. We’re going to keep
‘em crossed. They’re working this
out–– we’ll have to see–– any other
questions? Keep your fingers
crossed. Let’s keep our fingers
crossed. Keep ‘em crossed. Keep
our fingers crossed.”

When the mayor was asked how
keeping his fingers crossed could
possibly make up for the looming
budget hole next year–– and prevent
another property-tax
increase–– he tried to clarify his

“You can’t uncross your fingers
when they’re crossed,” he said.

Then, proving he could do it,
the mayor crossed the fingers of
both hands and held them up to

“Keep ‘em crossed,” he said.
“Thank you.”

March 21, 1995

© 1995 Daniel X. O'Neil