Economics: Poetry and Essays by Daniel X. O'Neil and Jonny Stepping
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And I respect Barry's o-
pinion very much. He is
a very good friend. And
he feels for me, and
his wife, a soon-to-be
PhD therapist in her
own right, and I've
known her since high school.
LeAnn Rodgers nee Napoli.
Her grandfather on her
father's side was Judge
Napoli, the first Italian-
American judge in the
Northern District of
Illinois. God bless
him-- no-- forget that
phrase-- Pope John Paul II
bless him-- that is
my new overall blessing
because I want him to be
beatified and eventually
sainted in my lifetime
and I will work to
make that happen.

I believe, in my heart
and mind, that the
living Pope John Paul II
can perform miracles.

So we glorify his Jubilee
Year, which he always
played as important in
the press, after he got
Parkinson's Disesase, and
he always looked to 2000
in his writings and proc-
lamations, and when it
finally came, and him
trembling, and he pushed open
the double doors of the Vatican
open at midnight new years eve
and he so holy and bowed,
down on reflex yes he was,
and the cardinals surround him
on the altar, I will repeat
myself until he trembles
no more and is still.

© 2003 Daniel X. O'Neil

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