Economics: Poetry and Essays by Daniel X. O'Neil and Jonny Stepping
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Economics List

There are a world of examples out there that illustrate what Economics is all about:

Maria Bartiromo from Don't Worry About Me by Joey Ramone - one of the founders of punk checks on his stocks.
The Sopranos - the things we do to make a living.
UBL profiting from putting airline stocks - the open market means that people who hate American capitalists can use American capitalism to help kill American capitalists.
The linking of the stock market and the war - the war is the market, the phoenix is the ashes
The Simpsons - Homer's job at the nuclear plant, Smithers' moral ambiguity-- The Simpsons is proto-Economics
Weekend Box Office Sumaries - economic value = artistic value
Star Magazine - The trut will set us free
The Three Represents - China takes care of business
Europe acts American - everyone wants an accounting scandal
National "Do Not Call" list - cursed with a deep understanding of how individual decisions affect the national economy (NYT - Registration required)
Bullet With Butterfly Wings - despite finding market capitalism somewhat distasteful, we find ourselves intextricably enmeshed in it
The Godfather, Part 2, Scene with Senator - market culture often places respect in the wrong place
AdBusters - they get it
Pentagon Prepares a Futures Market on Terror Attacks - A great idea disguised as a disugusting one (NYT - Registration required)

the things we do to make a living